
Our chosen courier is Fedex who can deliver worldwide. Once your order has been dispatched you will receive an automated email from Fedex, which will include the consignment number and tracking information.

We are bound by the terms and conditions of our courier and would would recommend if you follow the instructions below. All deliveries should be checked on receipt for damage and in the event of any damage the driver should be informed and the delivery should be signed to note as such. Where you cannot unpack the delivery in time before the driver leaves, the delivery should be marked as unchecked. This helps to protect us and you.

Delivery lead times are always confirmed at the point of order, most model kits can be delivered within 10-14 days or less if in stock.
Ready Made assembled models can vary, with some in stock but the majority being manufactured from scratch by hand in our workshop/suppliers which can take 12 weeks+ depending on the time of the year and the current order book.

For ready-made models, due to the time involved in making them, we usually ask for a 50% deposit, 30% payment at the halfway stage and the balance before delivery. To learn more about our payment terms you can click here.

In almost 20 years of trading we have delivered to over 75 countries.

Our Packaging

Example 1.

Some of our standard range models are packed in a cardboard box that is then bubble wrapped. A lot of standard range models, specifically those manufactured by Authentic Models, are flat packed to reduce the box size and save on delivery costs.

Example 2.

Our superior and premier range models are fixed in to a wooden crate that then has polystyrene on the top and bottom and finally bubble wrap. The crate is designed to be easily able to slide the model out once it arrives with the customer.

Example 3.

Other standard range models, normally the tankers and tall ships, are packed in a cardboard box and then bubble wrapped. The ships are also assembled in to a wooden frame to stop them from moving and have additional packaging such as polystyrene inside to protect the model.

Example 4.

All custom models have bespoke crates built for them made from a thick plywood. There is additional packaging (polystyrene and bubble wrap) on the inside and outside of the crate.

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Premier Ship Models